비만이 의료비와 의료이용에 미친 영향 분석

The Effect of Obesity on Medical Costs and Health Service Uses

  • 김다양 (연세대학교 대학원 보건행정학과) ;
  • 곽진미 (우송대학교 보건의료경영학과) ;
  • 최소영 (연세대학교 대학원 보건행정학과) ;
  • 이광수 (연세대학교 보건과학대학 보건행정학과)
  • Kim, Da-Yang (Department of Health Administration, Yonsei University Graduate School) ;
  • Kwak, Jin-Mi (Department of Health Business, Woosong University) ;
  • Choi, So-Young (Department of Health Administration, Yonsei University Graduate School) ;
  • Lee, Kwang-Soo (Department of Health Administration, Yonsei University College of Health Science)
  • 투고 : 2017.06.12
  • 심사 : 2017.07.21
  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


Objectives : Obesity is a worldwide health concern due to an increasing obese population. This study proposed to analyze the differences in medical costs and care utilization between obese and normal group using propensity score matching. Methods : Data were collected from the sample cohort database by the Korea National Health Insurance Corporation. Propensity score matching(PSM) was applied to control selection bias, and factors affecting obesity were used as covariates in PSM. Results : The results showed higher medical costs and care utilization in the obese group than the normal group. According to gender and medical type, there were differences in the relationships between obesity and medical charges and utilization. In particular, the differences in the female population were larger in both outpatients and inpatients than the male population. Conclusions : It is important to manage obesity, because obesity has a negative effect on national health insurance costs. These findings suggest directions for future research.



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