Relationship between the leadership style and organizational effectiveness : Job crafting mediation effect

  • Received : 2017.09.04
  • Accepted : 2017.10.19
  • Published : 2017.10.31


In this paper, we propose the role of job crafting in the relationship between leadership and organizational effectiveness in voluntarily carrying out each member's assigned tasks. This study surveyed the manufacturing, construction, service industries in Seoul and Gyeonggi province, identified the type of leadership they recognized, and empirically analyzed the organizational effectiveness of leadership. The purpose of this paper is to grasp the types of leadership acknowledged by the industry of manufacturing, construction, and service, and also to empirically analyze the organizational effectiveness of the leadership. The study measures the organizational effectiveness in terms of the job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior while classifying the leadership into coaching leadership, transformational leadership, and sensible leadership. In addition, the strictness of the analysis is imposed by estimating the simple least square model and ranking probit model. The results of the least square model is summarized as the following. Regardless of the different defining terms of organizational effectiveness, transformational leadership was shown to have the greatest organizational effectiveness. Sensible leadership positively effected job satisfaction whereas coaching leadership positively effected job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. Compared to transformational leadership and coaching leadership, the impact of the sensible leadership was very much limited. The result of the ranking probit model is summarized as the following. First, sensible leadership had a positive impact on the member's job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Second, regarding the organizational citizenship behavior, coaching leadership showed greater impact than transformational leadership. This results contradicts the results from the simple least square model. If similar studies were to be conducted in the future, two models and the results must be compared. Third, as the leadership score increases by 1 point, there is greater possibility of having more than 4 points for all job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior. Lastly, the analysis proves that job crafting has the mediation effect between the leadership and organizational effectiveness.



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