Integrative research on industrial policy and corporate strategy of autonomous car

세계 주요국의 자율주행차 정책 및 기업전략에 관한 통합적 연구

  • Received : 2017.03.29
  • Published : 2017.09.30


This study conducted comparative study on autonomous car's industry policy and corporate strategy of US, China, Germany, Japan and Korea. By analyzing core technologies and industry paradigm shifts of autonomous car industry, I was able to figure out autonomous car has high potential to be dominant transportation in the future and it is important to construct core competency in technology area. The meaningful findings by analyzing various primary and secondary data are as followings: First, in case of US, Google was leading autonomous car industry by developing its own OS and Platform. US government has been actively supporting and interacting with private firms and Universities for stimulating industry/technology convergence and establishing standard. Second, in case of Germany, autonomous car development was leading by several auto makers such as Mercedes, BMW in Hardware and manufacturing area, and German government was focusing on deregulations for private company. Third, in case of Japan which quite similar with German situation, they were both independently developing technology and expanding alliances with MNCs. And Japanese government was supporting triple helix system construction between local companies and universities. Fourth, in case of China, autonomous car industry was leading by IT companies, and various cooperations between IT companies and automakers were established. Chinese government was regulating foreign companies and supporting domestic companies both in market and technologies Last, in Korean case, the active and extensive alliances were lacking in Korean companies while strategic and strong government supports were missing in public sector. For competing with other countries and players, more active collaboration between different countries and strong policy supports are needed in Korean auto industry.



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