DRA: Duplication Resolver Algorithm for Power Conservation Utilizing Software Defined Network (SDN)

  • Masoud, Mohammad (Computer and Communication Engineering Department Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Amman) ;
  • Jaradat, Yousef (Computer and Communication Engineering Department Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Amman) ;
  • Jannoud, Ismael (Computer and Communication Engineering Department Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan Amman) ;
  • Huang, Hong (Klipsch School of Electrical and Computer Engineering New Mexico State University)
  • Received : 2016.11.21
  • Accepted : 2017.04.17
  • Published : 2017.07.31


In recent years, datacenters, network devices and computers have proliferated. The power consumed by information and communication technology (ICT) devices has inflated in an extraordinary manner. Green communication has emerged as a new approach to reduce and optimize power consumption in ICT sector. Many methods and protocols have been proposed and implemented to achieve green communication. Nevertheless, the increase of power consumption remains a problem. In this work, we attempt to reduce and optimize power consumption of network devices in datacenters environment utilizing software defined network (SDN) paradigm. To gain more insight of the power consumption requirements of network switches, a power measurement system is constructed to measure power consumption levels of network devices. Subsequently, we propose a duplication resolver algorithm (DRA) to power off/on switches reactively. DRA algorithm reduces the required time by switches to construct their flow tables after rebooting. To this end, DRA-based external circuit has been constructed utilizing Ethernet module and an Arduino kit to control power supplies of network devices. To facilitate our work, a testbed has been constructed utilizing Ryu SDN controller, HP2920-24G switches and Arduino kits. Our results show that DRA algorithm can reduce both the power usage and start-up time delay of network switches after failures.



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