Explaining International Expansion Through Export-Venture Market Orientation: A Perspective of Resource-Advantage Theory of Competition

  • Kim, Da-Som (Research Institute of Industry and Economy, Chonbuk National University) ;
  • Oh, Han-Mo (Department of International Trade, Chonbuk National University)
  • Received : 2017.06.12
  • Accepted : 2017.06.27
  • Published : 2017.06.30


The present study aims to examine the role of market orientation as an international partnership property. This property, labeled export-venture market orientation, is at the inter-firm level and is related to the new market development (NMD) activities of export-ventures. Specifically, this article is to define the export-venture market orientation; to argue that it is a major factor in NMD export-venture success; and to argue that the resource-advantage (R-A) theory of competition can provide a theoretical foundation for this concept and explain its contribution to export-ventures' international expansion success. This manuscript is conceptual in approach. In their efforts to strengthen relationships, export-ventures may tend to focus so much time on the partnership factors that they miss market opportunities. As a spanning process, NMD should be informed by both external and internal activities. In an export-venture, market orientation helps guide NMD activities from outside to inside and vice versa. As a dynamic and disequilibrium provoking process, the R-A theory can theoretically ground the concept of export-venture market orientation and explain its role in NMD export-venture success. The current study contributes to business marketing theory in three ways: it extends the concept of intra-organizational market orientation to an inter-organizational context; contributes to understanding the role of idiosyncratic resources in export-ventures; and theoretically explains the concept of export-venture market orientation. The present study is the first to extend the concept of market orientation into inter-organizational NMD framework and to examine the role of export-venture market orientation in NMD export-venture success.



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