Deep Learning in Medical Imaging: General Overview

  • Lee, June-Goo (Biomedical Engineering Research Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Jun, Sanghoon (Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Cho, Young-Won (Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Lee, Hyunna (Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Kim, Guk Bae (Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Seo, Joon Beom (Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center) ;
  • Kim, Namkug (Department of Radiology, Research Institute of Radiology, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center)
  • 투고 : 2016.12.20
  • 심사 : 2017.03.29
  • 발행 : 2017.08.01


The artificial neural network (ANN)-a machine learning technique inspired by the human neuronal synapse system-was introduced in the 1950s. However, the ANN was previously limited in its ability to solve actual problems, due to the vanishing gradient and overfitting problems with training of deep architecture, lack of computing power, and primarily the absence of sufficient data to train the computer system. Interest in this concept has lately resurfaced, due to the availability of big data, enhanced computing power with the current graphics processing units, and novel algorithms to train the deep neural network. Recent studies on this technology suggest its potentially to perform better than humans in some visual and auditory recognition tasks, which may portend its applications in medicine and healthcare, especially in medical imaging, in the foreseeable future. This review article offers perspectives on the history, development, and applications of deep learning technology, particularly regarding its applications in medical imaging.



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  62. Fully automated identification of skin morphology in raster‐scan optoacoustic mesoscopy using artificial intelligence vol.46, pp.9, 2019,
  63. Comparing the predictive ability of a commercial artificial intelligence early warning system with physician judgement for clinical deterioration in hospitalised general internal medicine patients: a vol.9, pp.10, 2017,
  64. Effect of Data Augmentation of F-18-Florbetaben Positron-Emission Tomography Images by Using Deep Learning Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Amyloid Positive Patients vol.75, pp.8, 2017,
  65. The Current State of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine vol.1, pp.1, 2019,
  66. Deep Convolution Neural Network for Malignancy Detection and Classification in Microscopic Uterine Cervix Cell Images vol.20, pp.11, 2019,
  67. Blockchain based Bone-age Predication System for Sharing Medical Images vol.20, pp.11, 2019,
  68. Deep learning to differentiate parkinsonian disorders separately using single midsagittal MR imaging: a proof of concept study vol.29, pp.12, 2019,
  69. Machine learning can accurately predict pre-admission baseline hemoglobin and creatinine in intensive care patients vol.2, pp.1, 2017,
  70. How scientific mobility can help current and future radiology research: a radiology trainee’s perspective vol.10, pp.1, 2017,
  71. Artificial intelligence, machine learning, computer-aided diagnosis, and radiomics: advances in imaging towards to precision medicine vol.52, pp.6, 2019,
  72. Deep learning approach for automatic out-of-plane needle localisation for semi-automatic ultrasound probe calibration vol.6, pp.6, 2017,
  73. A bird’s-eye view of deep learning in bioimage analysis vol.18, pp.None, 2017,
  74. Efficacy of deep convolutional neural network algorithm for the identification and classification of dental implant systems, using panoramic and periapical radiographs : A pilot study vol.99, pp.26, 2017,
  75. Survey of the Knowledge of Korean Radiology Residents on Medical Artificial Intelligence vol.81, pp.6, 2017,
  76. Assessment of a Deep Learning Algorithm for the Detection of Rib Fractures on Whole-Body Trauma Computed Tomography vol.21, pp.7, 2020,
  77. Radiomics and Deep Learning: Hepatic Applications vol.21, pp.4, 2017,
  78. Radiomics and Deep Learning from Research to Clinical Workflow: Neuro-Oncologic Imaging vol.21, pp.10, 2017,
  79. Characteristics of Recent Articles Published in the Korean Journal of Radiology Based on the Citation Frequency vol.21, pp.12, 2020,
  80. Diagnostic Value of Breast Lesions Between Deep Learning-Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis System and Experienced Radiologists: Comparison the Performance Between Symptomatic and Asymptomatic Patients vol.10, pp.None, 2020,
  81. Classification and Segmentation of Hyperspectral Data of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Samples Using 1‐D Convolutional Neural Network vol.97, pp.1, 2017,
  82. Diagnosis of cystic lesions using panoramic and cone beam computed tomographic images based on deep learning neural network vol.26, pp.1, 2017,
  83. Fusion High-Resolution Network for Diagnosing ChestX-ray Images vol.9, pp.1, 2020,
  84. Automated Machine Learning Diagnostic Support System as a Computational Biomarker for Detecting Drug-Induced Liver Injury Patterns in Whole Slide Liver Pathology Images vol.18, pp.1, 2017,
  85. Deep learning in gastric tissue diseases: a systematic review vol.7, pp.1, 2017,
  86. Machine Learning Techniques for Quantification of Knee Segmentation from MRI vol.2020, pp.None, 2017,
  87. CT-Based Quantitative Analysis for Pathological Features Associated With Postoperative Recurrence and Potential Application Upon Artificial Intelligence: A Narrative Review With a Focus on Chronic Sub vol.19, pp.None, 2020,
  88. Machine Learning in Orthodontics: Introducing a 3d Auto-segmentation and Auto-landmark Finder of Cbct Images To Assess Maxillary Constriction in Unilateral Impacted Canine patients vol.90, pp.1, 2017,
  89. Deep Learning for Automated Delineation of Pediatric Cerebral Arteries on Pre-operative Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging vol.7, pp.None, 2017,
  90. Feasibility of fully automated classification of whole slide images based on deep learning vol.24, pp.1, 2020,
  91. Assessment of a Machine Learning Model Applied to Harmonized Electronic Health Record Data for the Prediction of Incident Atrial Fibrillation vol.3, pp.1, 2017,
  92. Computer-Aided System Application Value for Assessing Hip Development vol.11, pp.None, 2020,
  93. Deep learning with ultrasonography: automated classification of liver fibrosis using a deep convolutional neural network vol.30, pp.2, 2020,
  94. Detection of microcytic hypochromia using cbc and blood film features extracted from convolution neural network by different classifiers vol.79, pp.7, 2017,
  95. Artificial Intelligence in the Management of Intracranial Aneurysms: Current Status and Future Perspectives vol.41, pp.3, 2017,
  96. Convolutional Neural Network Technology in Endoscopic Imaging: Artificial Intelligence for Endoscopy vol.53, pp.2, 2020,
  97. Automated segmentation of the left ventricle from MR cine imaging based on deep learning architecture vol.6, pp.2, 2017,
  98. Deep learning in fracture detection: a narrative review vol.91, pp.2, 2020,
  99. Deep learning in Emergency Medicine: Recent contributions and methodological challenges vol.16, pp.1, 2020,
  100. Ensemble Deep Learning Models for Heart Disease Classification: A Case Study from Mexico vol.11, pp.4, 2017,
  101. 손목 관절 단순 방사선 영상에서 딥 러닝을 이용한 전후방 및 측면 영상 분류와 요골 영역 분할 vol.41, pp.2, 2017,
  102. A method of using deep learning to predict three‐dimensional dose distributions for intensity‐modulated radiotherapy of rectal cancer vol.21, pp.5, 2020,
  103. Radiomics and Machine Learning in Oral Healthcare vol.14, pp.3, 2017,
  104. Myths and facts about artificial intelligence: why machine- and deep-learning will not replace interventional radiologists vol.37, pp.5, 2020,
  105. PUB-SalNet: A Pre-Trained Unsupervised Self-Aware Backpropagation Network for Biomedical Salient Segmentation vol.13, pp.5, 2017,
  106. A Review of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Methods as a Service vol.17, pp.9, 2017,
  107. Current Applications and Future Perspectives of Brain Tumor Imaging vol.81, pp.3, 2020,
  108. A machine learning approach for handling big data produced by high resolution mass spectrometry after data independent acquisition of small molecules - Proof of concept study using an artificial neura vol.12, pp.6, 2017,
  109. Artificial intelligence and convolution neural networks assessing mammographic images: a narrative literature review vol.67, pp.2, 2017,
  110. Identification of Epileptic EEG Signals Using Convolutional Neural Networks vol.10, pp.12, 2020,
  111. Human postprandial responses to food and potential for precision nutrition vol.26, pp.6, 2017,
  112. AI 의료영상 분석의 개요 및 연구 현황에 대한 고찰 vol.43, pp.3, 2020,
  113. Next-generation robotics in gastrointestinal surgery vol.17, pp.7, 2017,
  114. A Survey on Blood Image Diseases Detection Using Deep Learning : vol.11, pp.3, 2017,
  115. Artificial intelligence in automatic classification of invasive ductal carcinoma breast cancer in digital pathology images vol.34, pp.None, 2020,
  116. Automated detection of chronic kidney disease using higher-order features and elongated quinary patterns from B-mode ultrasound images vol.32, pp.15, 2020,
  117. Using deep learning techniques in medical imaging: a systematic review of applications on CT and PET vol.53, pp.6, 2017,
  118. Skin Lesion Segmentation Using Stochastic Region-Merging and Pixel-Based Markov Random Field vol.12, pp.8, 2017,
  119. Improvement of Heterogeneous Transfer Learning Efficiency by Using Hebbian Learning Principle vol.10, pp.16, 2017,
  120. Computer-aided diagnosis systems for osteoporosis detection: a comprehensive survey vol.58, pp.9, 2020,
  121. Multi-Reader–Multi-Split Annotation of Emphysema in Computed Tomography vol.33, pp.5, 2017,
  122. Deep learning in interstitial lung disease—how long until daily practice vol.30, pp.11, 2017,
  123. Deep Learning in Selected Cancers’ Image Analysis-A Survey vol.6, pp.11, 2020,
  124. An Efficient Lightweight CNN and Ensemble Machine Learning Classification of Prostate Tissue Using Multilevel Feature Analysis vol.10, pp.22, 2017,
  125. Deep-Learning-Based Computer-Aided Systems for Breast Cancer Imaging: A Critical Review vol.10, pp.22, 2017,
  126. Deep learning enables automated localization of the metastatic lymph node for thyroid cancer on 131 I post-ablation whole-body planar scans vol.10, pp.None, 2020,
  127. Robust performance of deep learning for distinguishing glioblastoma from single brain metastasis using radiomic features: model development and validation vol.10, pp.None, 2017,
  128. Early prediction of neoadjuvant chemotherapy response for advanced breast cancer using PET/MRI image deep learning vol.10, pp.1, 2017,
  129. Time-ResNeXt for epilepsy recognition based on EEG signals in wireless networks vol.2020, pp.1, 2017,
  130. Deep learning‐based digitization of prostate brachytherapy needles in ultrasound images vol.47, pp.12, 2017,
  131. Design Patterns for Resource-Constrained Automated Deep-Learning Methods vol.1, pp.4, 2017,
  132. The role of artificial intelligence in medical imaging research vol.2, pp.1, 2017,
  133. Artificial intelligence in radiology: does it impact medical students preference for radiology as their future career? vol.2, pp.1, 2017,
  134. 심층강화학습을 이용한 Convolutional Network 기반 전산화단층영상 잡음 저감 기술 개발 vol.14, pp.7, 2020,
  135. AI applications in robotics, diagnostic image analysis and precision medicine: Current limitations, future trends, guidelines on CAD systems for medicine vol.24, pp.None, 2017,
  136. A brief comparative study of the potentialities and limitations of machine-learning algorithms and statistical techniques vol.266, pp.None, 2017,
  137. Future artificial intelligence tools and perspectives in medicine vol.31, pp.4, 2017,
  138. A Real-World Clinical Implementation of Automated Processing Using Intelligent Work Aid for Rapid Reformation at the Orbitomeatal Line in Head Computed Tomography vol.56, pp.9, 2021,
  139. Realistic High-Resolution Body Computed Tomography Image Synthesis by Using Progressive Growing Generative Adversarial Network: Visual Turing Test vol.9, pp.3, 2021,
  140. A Three-Dimensional Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Automatic Segmentation and Diameter Measurement of Type B Aortic Dissection vol.22, pp.2, 2021,
  141. Artificial intelligence for the management of pancreatic diseases vol.33, pp.2, 2021,
  142. Current state of artificial intelligence applications in ophthalmology and their potential to influence clinical practice vol.8, pp.1, 2017,
  143. Medical Image Classification Algorithm Based on Visual Attention Mechanism-MCNN vol.2021, pp.None, 2017,
  144. The role of convolutional neural networks in scanning probe microscopy: a review vol.12, pp.None, 2017,
  145. Machine learning in dental, oral and craniofacial imaging: a review of recent progress vol.9, pp.None, 2021,
  146. Research Progress of Deep Learning in the Diagnosis and Prevention of Stroke vol.2021, pp.None, 2017,
  147. Integration of pre-surgical blood test results predict microvascular invasion risk in hepatocellular carcinoma vol.19, pp.None, 2021,
  148. Docking-generated multiple ligand poses for bootstrapping bioactivity classifying Machine Learning: Repurposing covalent inhibitors for COVID-19-related TMPRSS2 as case study vol.19, pp.None, 2017,
  149. Comparison of Diagnosis Accuracy between a Backpropagation Artificial Neural Network Model and Linear Regression in Digestive Disease Patients: an Empirical Research vol.2021, pp.None, 2021,
  150. Developing a Recognition System for Diagnosing Melanoma Skin Lesions Using Artificial Intelligence Algorithms vol.2021, pp.None, 2017,
  151. High-Efficiency Classification of White Blood Cells Based on Object Detection vol.2021, pp.None, 2017,
  152. The Value of Convolutional Neural Network-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Image Segmentation Algorithm to Guide Targeted Controlled Release of Doxorubicin Nanopreparation vol.2021, pp.None, 2017,
  153. Automatic Cephalometric Landmark Identification System Based on the Multi-Stage Convolutional Neural Networks with CBCT Combination Images vol.21, pp.2, 2017,
  154. Artificial intelligence for ultrasonography: unique opportunities and challenges vol.40, pp.1, 2017,
  155. Artificial intelligence in musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging vol.40, pp.1, 2017,
  156. Reducing False-Positives in Lung Nodules Detection Using Balanced Datasets vol.9, pp.None, 2021,
  157. Ankle fracture classification using deep learning: automating detailed AO Foundation/Orthopedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) 2018 malleolar fracture identification reaches a high degree of correct clas vol.92, pp.1, 2017,
  158. Construction of patient service system based on QFD in internet of things vol.77, pp.3, 2017,
  159. Basic of machine learning and deep learning in imaging for medical physicists vol.83, pp.None, 2021,
  160. Challenges facing quantitative large-scale optical super-resolution, and some simple solutions vol.24, pp.3, 2021,
  161. Accelerating Deep Neural Networks implementation: A survey vol.15, pp.2, 2017,
  162. Combining Initial Radiographs and Clinical Variables Improves Deep Learning Prognostication in Patients with COVID-19 from the Emergency Department vol.3, pp.2, 2021,
  163. Deep Generative Adversarial Networks: Applications in Musculoskeletal Imaging vol.3, pp.3, 2017,
  164. Automated Spleen Injury Detection Using 3D Active Contours and Machine Learning vol.23, pp.4, 2017,
  165. Detection of Postural Control in Young and Elderly Adults Using Deep and Machine Learning Methods with Joint-Node Plots vol.21, pp.9, 2021,
  166. Artificial Intelligence and Patient-Centered Decision-Making vol.34, pp.2, 2017,
  167. Detecting the Early Infarct Core on Non-Contrast CT Images with a Deep Learning Residual Network vol.30, pp.6, 2017,
  168. Pulmonary Functional Imaging: Part 1-State-of-the-Art Technical and Physiologic Underpinnings vol.299, pp.3, 2017,
  169. Sounding out the hidden data: A concise review of deep learning in photoacoustic imaging vol.246, pp.12, 2017,
  170. Automatic Segmentation of Choroid Layer Using Deep Learning on Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography vol.11, pp.12, 2017,
  171. 딥러닝을 이용한 벼 도복 면적 추정 vol.66, pp.2, 2017,
  172. Transfer Learning for an Automated Detection System of Fractures in Patients with Maxillofacial Trauma vol.11, pp.14, 2017,
  173. Artificial intelligence in small intestinal diseases: Application and prospects vol.27, pp.25, 2017,
  174. Development of U-Net Breast Density Segmentation Method for Fat-Sat MR Images Using Transfer Learning Based on Non-Fat-Sat Model vol.34, pp.4, 2017,
  175. Artificial intelligence and the medical physics profession - A Swedish perspective vol.88, pp.None, 2021,
  176. Crystal-Site-Based Artificial Neural Networks for Material Classification vol.11, pp.9, 2017,
  177. Understanding the predictive value and methods of risk assessment based on coronary computed tomographic angiography in populations with coronary artery disease: a review vol.4, pp.3, 2021,
  178. Artificial intelligence for hepatitis evaluation vol.27, pp.34, 2017,
  179. Deep learning-based automated quantification of the hepatorenal index for evaluation of fatty liver by ultrasonography vol.40, pp.4, 2017,
  180. Deep Learning-Based In Vitro Detection Method for Cellular Impurities in Human Cell-Processed Therapeutic Products vol.11, pp.20, 2021,
  181. Detection of COVID-19 in Chest X-ray Images: A Big Data Enabled Deep Learning Approach vol.18, pp.19, 2017,
  182. Deep Mining Generation of Lung Cancer Malignancy Models from Chest X-ray Images vol.21, pp.19, 2017,
  183. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) Capabilities for COVID-19 Containment vol.39, pp.3, 2021,
  184. An Artificial Intelligence Hypothetical Approach for Masseter Muscle Segmentation on Ultrasonography in Patients With Bruxism vol.12, pp.2, 2021,
  185. An Artificial Intelligence Hypothetical Approach for Masseter Muscle Segmentation on Ultrasonography in Patients With Bruxism vol.12, pp.2, 2021,
  186. A Data Augmentation Method for War Trauma Using the War Trauma Severity Score and Deep Neural Networks vol.10, pp.21, 2017,
  187. Application of Deep Learning Models for Automated Identification of Parkinson’s Disease: A Review (2011-2021) vol.21, pp.21, 2017,
  188. Radiomics in hepatocellular carcinoma: A state-of-the-art review vol.13, pp.11, 2017,
  189. Performance analysis of classification and segmentation of cysts in panoramic dental images using convolutional neural network architecture vol.31, pp.4, 2021,
  190. Texture Analysis of Tongue Coating in Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Transfer Learning and Multi-Model Decision vol.22, pp.1, 2017,
  191. 20S proteasomes secreted by the malaria parasite promote its growth vol.12, pp.1, 2017,
  192. The new SUMPOT to predict postoperative complications using an Artificial Neural Network vol.11, pp.1, 2017,
  193. Deep negative volume segmentation vol.11, pp.1, 2017,
  194. Deep learning versus ophthalmologists for screening for glaucoma on fundus examination: A systematic review and meta‐analysis vol.49, pp.9, 2017,
  195. Cardiothoracic ratio measurement using artificial intelligence: observer and method validation studies vol.21, pp.1, 2017,
  196. Efficiency of a deep learning-based artificial intelligence diagnostic system in spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage volume measurement vol.21, pp.1, 2021,
  197. Prediction of arrhythmia after intervention in children with atrial septal defect based on random forest vol.21, pp.1, 2017,
  198. Advanced thyroid carcinomas: neural network analysis of ultrasonographic characteristics vol.14, pp.1, 2021,
  199. Current updates in machine learning in the prediction of therapeutic outcome of hepatocellular carcinoma: what should we know? vol.12, pp.1, 2017,
  200. Artificial Intelligence Evidence-Based Current Status and Potential for Lower Limb Vascular Management vol.11, pp.12, 2017,
  201. AxonDeep: Automated Optic Nerve Axon Segmentation in Mice With Deep Learning vol.10, pp.14, 2017,
  202. A Machine Learning Method for Detection of Surface Defects on Ceramic Tiles Using Convolutional Neural Networks vol.11, pp.1, 2017,
  203. A novel data augmentation based on Gabor filter and convolutional deep learning for improving the classification of COVID-19 chest X-Ray images vol.72,, 2017,
  204. Establishment of a 13 genes-based molecular prediction score model to discriminate the neurotoxic potential of food relevant-chemicals vol.355, pp.None, 2017,