Objectives : This report describes 75 studies related to the use of Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma mainly blended from Dongeuibogam. Methods : The 75 Prescriptions of Consumptive part in DonguiBogam analysed frequency of basic prescriptions, symptoms of prescriptions and the pathology. Results : Prescriptions that Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma was taken as a monarch drug are utilized for 25 therapeutic purposes, for example, cold disease, stool disease, cough disease. In particular, 16.0% of prescriptions appear in the chapter of cold. Prescriptions that utilize Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma as the main component are used in the treatment of cold, stool and cough disease. Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma is used in pathogenic factors such as weakness cold and cold strength and used in pathology related to the spleen and stomach system. The dosage of Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma is 5pun(about 1.88g) to 4nyang(about 150.4g), however 1don(about 3.75g) has been taken the most for clinical application. Ijungtang is the most useful base prescriptions which use the Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma as the main ingredient. Conclusions : As a result of Study on Analysis all Prescriptions of Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma in DonguiBogam. We can understand more about basic prescriptions, symptoms of prescriptions and the pathology that are using for Zingiberis siccatum Rhizoma.