고령탑승자의 좌석별 상해정도에 관한 연구

Multinomial Logit Framework to Evaluate the Impact of Seating Position on Senior Occupant Injury Severity in Traffic Accidents

  • 최재성 (국토연구원 국토인프라연구본부)
  • Choi, Jaesung (National Infrastructure Research Division, Korea Research Institute of Human Settlements)
  • 투고 : 2017.03.14
  • 심사 : 2017.05.23
  • 발행 : 2017.06.30


A rapid increase in traffic accidents involving senior vehicle occupants has been an issue in Korea because of the aging of the population occurring at one of the fastest rates in the world; unfortunately, few studies beyond several looking at the effect of senior occupants on the level of accident injury severity can be found in the literature. A Multinomial logit model was estimated with Newton-Raphson algorithm to perform bias-reducing penalized likelihood optimization. Model covariates integral to developing the model were included, but the main focus was on the interaction of seating position and injury to senior vehicle occupants. It was found that the likelihood of an accident resulting in a fatality increased: 2.2 times for the driver seat, 2.7 times for the front passenger seat, and even 6.7 times for the rear seat. A mandatory seatbelt law to be extended to the rear seat needs to pass the assembly as soon as possible, and government, industry, and safety groups should be encouraged to join forces to strongly carry out targeted campaigns for the wearing of seatbelts in all vehicle seats to enhance the safety of senior occupants as well as other occupants who are vulnerable to road traffic accidents.



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