Strength degeneracy of LWAC and flexural behavior of LWAC members after fire

  • Tang, Chao-Wei (Department Civil Engineering & Geomatics, Cheng Shiu University)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.09
  • 심사 : 2017.04.10
  • 발행 : 2017.08.25


The characteristics of lightweight aggregate (LWA) with a low specific gravity and high water absorption will significantly change the properties of lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC). This study aimed at exploring the effect of presoaking degree of LWA on the strength degeneracy of LWAC and flexural behavior of LWAC members exposed to elevated temperatures. The residual mechanical properties of the LWAC subjected to elevated temperatures were first conducted. Then, the residual load tests of LWAC members (beams and slabs) after exposure to elevated temperatures were carried out. The test results showed that with increasing temperature, the decreasing trend of elastic modulus for LWAC was considerably more serious than the compressive strength. Besides, the presoaking degree of LWA had a significant influence on the residual compressive strength and elastic modulus for LWAC after exposure to $800^{\circ}C$. Moreover, owing to different types of heating, the residual load bearing capacity of the slab specimens were significantly different from those of the beam specimens.



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