Methodologies for Cryopreservation of Mammalian Germline Cells and Tissues

  • Received : 2017.05.12
  • Accepted : 2017.05.29
  • Published : 2017.05.31


Until today, success in germline cells and tissue cryopreservation is limited mainly due to the poor understanding of the complex physiological processes can lead to cell damage during cryopreservation. Germline cells, from both male and female, have unique ability to differentiate into one or more cell lines and thus it becomes a crucial point to store them in subzero temperature with the minimal damage of their functional properties and maximum recovery of unchanged and viable cells when thawed. In the past three decades, a vast research has been performed using various different animal models which in fact have led to development of new methodologies and optimization of older one. However, successful use of animal model has provided the opportunity in research with human germline cells and tissues preservation, but not in all the cases. Therefore, the use of new cryo-protective chemicals and modified protocols have been often found in different groups of researchers based on the types, physical structures, utility and animal species of the specimens to be cryopreserved. This review discusses about the basics of different types of cryopreservation methodologies and commonly used optimized protocols and cryoprotectants for germline cells and tissues preservation.



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