TBM 장비선정의 핵심이슈와 기술적 딜레마 - EPB Vs. Slurry -

  • Published : 2017.06.15




  1. Rick P. Lovat, TBM Design Considerations: Selection of Earth Pressure Balance or Slurry Pressure Balance Tunnel Boring Machines.
  2. E.h. Martin Herrenknecht, The latest developments in area of Tunnel Boring machines. 6th Int. Structural Eng. and Construction Conference. 2011.
  3. Bradford F. Townsend and Paul E. Jenkins, TBM Selection and Specification, Mott Macdonald, 2009
  4. Nick Shirlaw, Ground control for slurry TBM tunnelling, GEO Report 249, Golder Associates.
  5. Ground Control for EPB TBM Tunnelling, GEO Report No. 298, HKIE Geotechnical Division Working Group on Cavern and Tunnel Engineering and Geotechnical Engineering Office.
  6. Desiree Willis, Innovations and Limitations of Two Long-Standing Soft Ground TBM Designs, The Robbins Company, Tunnel, 2011.
  7. DAUB, Recommendations for Face Support Pressure Calculations for Shield Tunnelling in Soft Ground, Ver. 10, German Tunnelling Committee, 2016.
  8. Shani Wallis, Hard rock beaten on Bangalore slurry drives, Tunnel Talk, 2014.
  9. Robert L. Moncrieff, Slurry or EPB for conditions in Bangalore, Rona Consulting Co, Ltd, Tunnel Talk, 2016.