Free vibration behavior of viscoelastic annular plates using first order shear deformation theory

  • Moshir, Saeed Khadem (Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology) ;
  • Eipakchi, Hamidreza (Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology) ;
  • Sohani, Fatemeh (Faculty of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering, Shahrood University of Technology)
  • Received : 2016.03.09
  • Accepted : 2017.02.10
  • Published : 2017.06.10


In this paper, an analytical procedure based on the perturbation technique is presented to study the free vibrations of annular viscoelastic plates by considering the first order shear deformation theory as the displacement field. The viscoelastic properties obey the standard linear solid model. The equations of motion are extracted for small deflection assumption using the Hamilton's principle. These equations which are a system of partial differential equations with variable coefficients are solved analytically with the perturbation technique. By using a new variable change, the governing equations are converted to equations with constant coefficients which have the analytical solution and they are appropriate especially to study the sensitivity analysis. Also the natural frequencies are calculated using the classical plate theory and finite elements method. A parametric study is performed and the effects of geometry, material and boundary conditions are investigated on the vibrational behavior of the plate. The results show that the first order shear deformation theory results is more closer than to the finite elements with respect to the classical plate theory for viscoelastic plate. The more results are summarized in conclusion section.



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