Sensing and Compression Rate Selection with Energy-Allocation in Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Networks

  • Yoon, Ikjune (Dept. of Smart Systems Software, Soongsil University)
  • Received : 2017.05.10
  • Accepted : 2017.05.22
  • Published : 2017.05.31


Solar-powered wireless sensor nodes can use extra energy to obtain additional data to increase the precision. However, if the amount of data sensed is increased indiscriminately, the overhead of relay nodes may increase, and their energy may be exhausted. In this paper, we introduce a sensing and compression rate selection scheme to increase the amount of data obtained while preventing energy exhaustion. In this scheme, the neighbor nodes of the sink node determine the limit of data to be transmitted according to the allocated energy and their descendant nodes, and the other nodes select a compression algorithm appropriate to the allocated energy and the limitation of data to be transmitted. A simulation result verifies that the proposed scheme gathers more data with a lower number of blackout nodes than other schemes. We also found that it adapts better to changes in node density and the amount of energy harvested.



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