Individual experience reports and statements on general rules in medical classics

의학 고전의 개별 경험 진술과 일반 원칙 서술

  • Kiwang, Kim (Pusan National University, School of Korean Medicine)
  • 김기왕 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원)
  • Received : 2017.02.02
  • Accepted : 2017.05.16
  • Published : 2017.05.25


Objectives : In studying East Asia's medical classics, what must first be done before evaluating the validities of clinical grounds is the discernment of the techniques that are based on universal principles from the statements that arise from individual experience. The purpose of this paper is to discover a method of discerning the statements of individual experiences and the descriptions of universal principles. Ingredients and Methods : The paper investigates how each individual clinical experience was introduced in ancient medical classics such as Huangdineijing, Nanjing, Shanghanlun, Jinkuiyaolue, and Maijing, in the books that belong to Yian such as Canggongliechuan, Linzhengzhinanyian, Gujinyianan, and Xumingyileian, and in Korean ancient medical texts such as Eonhae-gugeubbang and Gugeubganibang-eonhae. Results : Books of precriptions and scriptures of medicine were found to include individual experiences. Furthermore, this paper's effort has revealed that the evaluation of the quality of a testimony in an ancient book must be preceded by discerning whether the said testimony is a mere personal testimony or a testimony based on the universal law of causality. Conclusions : Before conducting a clinical research of a precription contained in an East Asian medical classic, the text should first be evaluated to determine whether the prescription in question derives from clinical tests or not.



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