A Study on Finding Solutions of Jisuguimundo with Magic Number 87, 93, and 99 using Alternating Method

마법수가 87, 93, 99인 지수귀문도의 해를 구하는 방안에 관한 연구

  • Park, Kyo Sik (Dept. of Math. Edu., Gyeongin National Univ. of Edu.)
  • Received : 2017.01.02
  • Accepted : 2017.04.10
  • Published : 2017.04.30


When looking for solutions of Jisuguimundo with magic number 88~92 and 94~98, alternating method is applied to each possible partitions of each magic number. But this method does not apply in case of finding solutions of Jisuguimundo with magic number 87, 93, and 99. In this study, it is shown that solutions of Jisuguimundo with magic number 87, 93, and 99 can be found by applying alternating method to two partitions. These two partitions are derived partitions obtained by each partitions of magic number 87, 93, and 99. If every number from 1 to 30 which satisfy every unit path of Jisuguimundo can be found in all components of these two derived partitions, that arrangement is just a solution of Jisuguimundo. The method suggested in this study is more developed one than the method which is applied to just one partition.



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