시선의 고정과 도약에 나타난 공간정보 탐색 특성

Spatial Information Search Features Shown in Eye Fixations and Saccades

  • 김종하 (동양대학교 건축소방행정학과)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.24
  • 심사 : 2017.03.14
  • 발행 : 2017.04.30


This research is to analyze the spatial information search features which shown by Eye fixation and movement and conducted eye tracking experiment for targeting sports shop spatial images which it are same but looks different. This is able to find out the eye movement feature according to placement of goods from the eye movement and movement distance of spatial visitor, and the result can be defined as following. First, the whole original-reverse left / right images have a higher number of observations in the [IN] area than in the [OUT] area. This is because after eye taking high observations in LA area of [IN] have been jump-over [OUT], performed search activities in low eye fixation without high eye fixation. Second, there was a difference in the frequency of the observation data as the composition of the images changed. The original image has been often fixed the eyes in LA area, and the one that has been observed for a long time is reverse left / right image. Also, fixation point was shown higher at the reverse left / right image as jump-over from [OUT] area to [IN] area. If LA area seen as reverse left / right image, it is located in right-hand side. The case where the dominant area is on the right side has a characteristic that the eye fixation is longer. This can be understand that the arrangement of products for attract the customer's attention in the commercial space might be more effective when it is on the right side. Third, the moving distance(IN ${\rightarrow}$ OUT) of the sight pointed to external from LA area was long in the both original-reverse left / right images, but it is no relation with search direction([IN${\rightarrow}$OUT] [IN${\rightarrow}$OUT]) of the sight. In other words, the sight that entered in LA area can be seen as visual perception activity for re-searching after big jump-over, in the case go in to outward (OUT area) after searching for more than certain time. The fact that the moving distance of eye is relatively short in the [IN ${\rightarrow}$ OUT] process considered as that the gaze that stays outside the LA area naturally enters in to LA area.



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