Haskell을 이용한 병렬 프로그래밍

  • 발행 : 2017.03.20




  1. S. Marlow, Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell: Techniques for Multicore and Multithreaded Programming, 1st Ed., O'Reilly Media, 2013.
  2. S. Marlow, S.P. Jones, and S. Singh, "Runtime support for multicore Haskell," ACM Sigplan Notices, Vol. 44. No. 9. pp. 65-78, 2009.
  3. E. C. Titchmarsh and D. R. Heath-Brown, The theory of the Riemann zeta-function, Oxford University Press, 1986.
  4. A. Silberschatz, P. B. Galvin and G. Gagne, Operating system concepts, 8th Ed., Addison-wesley, 2009.
  5. E. W. Dijkstra, "Hierarchical ordering of sequential processes," Acta informatica, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 115-138, 1971. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF00289519
  6. J. Epstein, A. P. Black and S. Peyton-Jones, "Towards Haskell in the cloud," ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Vol. 46. No. 12. pp. 118-129, 2011.
  7. J. Armstrong, R. Virding, C. Wikstrom, and M. Williams, Concurrent programming in ERLANG, Prentice Hall, 2nd Ed., 1996
  8. C. Hewitt, P. Bishop and R. Steiger, "A universal modular actor formalism for artificial intelligence," In Proceedings of the 3rd international joint conference on Artificial intelligence, pp. 235-245, 1973.