Effects of Upright Body Exercise on Postural Balance and Foot Plantar Pressure in Elderly Women

  • Kim, Chan-Hee (Department of Physical Education, Graduate School of Silla University) ;
  • Lee, Joong-Sook (Department of Kinesiology, College of Health and Welfare, Silla University) ;
  • Yang, Jeong-Ok (Department of Kinesiology, College of Health and Welfare, Silla University) ;
  • Lee, Bom-Jin (Department of Kinesiology, College of Health and Welfare, Silla University) ;
  • Kim, Eui-Suk (Non-profit Corporation TheBodyLove) ;
  • Woo, Kyung-Hee (Non-profit Corporation TheBodyLove) ;
  • Park, Jin-Suk (Non-profit Corporation TheBodyLove)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.13
  • 심사 : 2017.02.20
  • 발행 : 2017.03.31


Objective: This study investigated the effect of a 16-week upright body exercise program on body balance and plantar pressure balance in elderly women. Method: The subjects included elderly women in B Metropolitan city who participated in an upright body exercise program twice weekly for 16 weeks. The subjects' physical characteristics (height, weight, body mass index [BMI]), posture balance, and foot plantar pressure were measured before and after the experiment. Results: The upright body exercise program showed positive changes in posture balance and foot plantar pressure balance in seven elderly women. Conclusion: The second version of the upright body exercise program improved and may prevent postural imbalance in elderly women. This program could be utilized to improve posture and foot balance in elderly persons.



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