Optimum design of steel space structures using social spider optimization algorithm with spider jump technique

  • Aydogdu, Ibrahim (Department of Civil Engineering, Akdeniz University) ;
  • Efe, Perihan (Department of Civil Engineering, Balikesir University) ;
  • Yetkin, Metin (Department of Civil Engineering, Balikesir University) ;
  • Akin, Alper (Trinity Meyer Utility Structures)
  • 투고 : 2016.08.28
  • 심사 : 2017.03.15
  • 발행 : 2017.05.10


In this study, recently developed swarm intelligence algorithm called Social Spider Optimization (SSO) approach and its enhanced version of SSO algorithm with spider jump techniques is used to develop a structural optimization technique for steel space structures. The improved version of SSO uses adaptive randomness probability in generating new solutions. The objective function of the design optimization problem is taken as the weight of a steel space structure. Constraints' functions are implemented from American Institute of Steel Construction-Load Resistance factor design (AISC-LRFD) and Ad Hoc Committee report and practice which cover strength, serviceability and geometric requirements. Three steel space structures are optimized using both standard SSO and SSO with spider jump (SSO_SJ) algorithms and the results are compared with those available in the literature in order to investigate the performance of the proposed algorithms.



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