Micromechanical failure analysis of composite materials subjected to biaxial and off-axis loading

  • Ahmadi, Isa (Advanced Materials and Computational Mechanics Lab., Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Zanjan, University Blvd)
  • 투고 : 2016.04.06
  • 심사 : 2016.12.28
  • 발행 : 2017.04.10


In this study, the failure behavior of composite material in the biaxial and off-axis loading is studied based on a computational micromechanical model. The model is developed so that the combination of mechanical and thermal loading conditions can be considered in the analysis. The modified generalized plane strain assumption of the theory of elasticity is used for formulation of the micromechanical modeling of the problem. A truly meshless method is employed to solve the governing equation and predict the distribution of micro-stresses in the selected RVE of composite. The fiber matrix interface is assumed to be perfect until the interface failure occurs. The biaxial and off-axis loading of the SiC/Ti and Kevlar/Epoxy composite is studied. The failure envelopes of SiC/Ti and Kevlar/Epoxy composite in off-axis loading, biaxial transverse-transverse and axial-transverse loading are predicted based on the micromechanical approach. Various failure criteria are considered for fiber, matrix and fiber-matrix interface. Comparison of results with the available results in the litreture shows excellent agreement with experimental studies.



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피인용 문헌

  1. A 3D RVE model with periodic boundary conditions to estimate mechanical properties of composites vol.72, pp.6, 2017,