Consumer Analysis for Increasing Occupancy Rates of Tourism Hotel

  • Gozaly, Jimmy (Department of Industrial Engineering, Maranatha Christian University)
  • 투고 : 2016.04.29
  • 심사 : 2016.10.03
  • 발행 : 2017.03.30


Tourism is a sector that plays an important role in the economic growth of Indonesia. Bandung as the capital of West Java province is known as the city with diverse tourism potential, both in the attractiveness of the city and surrounding natural beauty. DHR is a three stars resort hotel in the city with a strategic location. As a three stars resort hotel, DHR has been experiencing occupancy rate problems, consequently, it cannot often reach the set targets, both during high season and low season. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors of hotel performance that influences consumer staying back decision in the future. Questionnaires have been distributed to hotel guests to gather information regarding their interest and the performance assessment of the hotel services and facilities, and staying back decision in the future. Discriminant Analysis and Hypothesis Testing are used to determine which hotel performance variables will directly affect consumer staying back decision. The result of this study provide marketing strategy that should be implemented by the hotel management in order to increase its occupancy rate.



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