Nonlinear spectral design analysis of a structure for hybrid self-centring device enabled structures

  • Golzar, Farzin G. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury) ;
  • Rodgers, Geoffrey W. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury) ;
  • Chase, J. Geoffrey (Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Canterbury)
  • 투고 : 2016.02.01
  • 심사 : 2016.11.09
  • 발행 : 2017.03.25


Seismic dissipation devices can play a crucial role in mitigating earthquake damages, loss of life and post-event repair and downtime costs. This research investigates the use of ring springs with high-force-to-volume (HF2V) dissipaters to create damage-free, recentring connections and structures. HF2V devices are passive rate-dependent extrusion-based devices with high energy absorption characteristics. Ring springs are passive energy dissipation devices with high self-centring capability to reduce the residual displacements. Dynamic behaviour of a system with nonlinear structural stiffness and supplemental hybrid damping via HF2V devices and ring spring dampers is used to investigate the design space and potential. HF2V devices are modelled with design forces equal to 5% and 10% of seismic weight and ring springs are modelled with loading stiffness values of 20% and 40% of initial structural stiffness and respective unloading stiffness of 7% and 14% of structural stiffness (equivalent to 35% of their loading stiffness). Using a suite of 20 design level earthquake ground motions, nonlinear response spectra for 8 different configurations are generated. Results show up to 50% reduction in peak displacements and greater than 80% reduction in residual displacements of augmented structure compared to the baseline structure. These gains come at a cost of a significant rise in the base shear values up to 200% mainly as a result of the force contributed by the supplemental devices.



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