A Study on the Automated Compliance Test System for the LSD Protocol Providing the Digital Library Lending Model

  • Received : 2017.01.18
  • Accepted : 2017.03.08
  • Published : 2017.04.28


Research on the Development of EPUB SCP(Secure Content Protection) Technical Specification and International Standardization has been carried out as a R&D project granted by the Korea Copyright Commission since 2014. The research aims to build a standard framework for the EPUB DRM(Digital Rights Management) based on the Readium LCP(Licensed Content Protection) and KS EPUB DRM specifications, to develop element technologies for the framework, and to standardize it as an IDPF(International Digital Publishing Forum) industrial standard. One of the essential features of the EPUB DRM developed though this study is to support the lending model of the digital library. This paper introduces LSD(License Status Document) specification which is a DRM license management protocol for the digital library lending process, and also represents a model which can automatically test the implemented entities of the LSD specification, test scenarios and test materials.



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