A Discussion on the Definitions of Seismic Coefficient for Gravity Quay Wall in Korea

국내 중력식 안벽의 수평지진계수 산정 방법에 대한 고찰

  • Received : 2016.10.04
  • Accepted : 2016.12.14
  • Published : 2017.03.01


Pseudo-static approach has been conventionally applied for the design of gravity quay walls. In this method, the decision to select an appropriate seismic coefficient ($k_h$) is an important one, since $k_h$ is a key variable for computing an equivalent pseudo-static inertia force. Nonetheless, there is no unified standard for defining $k_h$. Likewise, port structure designers in Korea have a difficulty in choosing an appropriate $k_h$ definition, as there are conflicts in how $k_h$ is defined between the existing seismic code of port structures and the proposed new one. In this research, various seismic design codes for port structures were analyzed to compare the definitions of the seismic coefficient. The results were used for the proposing a unified seismic coefficient definition. Further, two dynamic centrifuge tests were performed with different wall heights (5 m, 15 m) to clarify the reference point of peak acceleration used in determination of $k_h$ according to the wall height. Results from dynamic centrifuge experiments showed that correction factors for the peak ground acceleration considering both the wall height and allowable displacement are needed to calculate $k_h$.



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