부산지역 스킨스쿠버 참여자의 현상학적 연구

Phenomenological Study of Skin Scuba Participants in Busan Region

  • 투고 : 2016.11.17
  • 심사 : 2016.12.20
  • 발행 : 2017.02.28


This study has studied the phenomenon exclusive to the activity of skin scuba among marine sports in Busan region, and such empirical studies are for the development of skin scuba, and even of the entire marine sports, and in order to achieve such objective, the study method centered around qualitative study method of in-depth interview, participatory observation, and documentation study, the results of which are as follows. First is the advantage of the local environment as an open-water location. This study area has beaches of pebbles, and the underwater is also comprised of pebbles up to a certain distance, securing a superior underwater visibility compared to the sand of other Busan regions, and such local environment is thought to be an advantage of skin scuba activity. Second is the satisfaction of accessibility. This study area had an advantage in participant accessibility, which is thought to act as a good strength for the marine sports development of this area in the future. Third is the satisfaction of education. The club instructors of this study area had various marine sports-related licenses such as skin scuba, along with marine lifeguard trainer qualifications to prepare against safety accidents, which are also thought to have positive influences on the education satisfaction for beginners. Fourth is the inconvenient subsidiary facility. This study area has great natural environment for open waters, but the subsidiary facilities of the club for skin scuba activity was found to be very inconvenient by this study, and for the future development of skin scuba, the improvement of subsidiary facilities should be considered. Fifth is the inconvenient parking facilities. The participants in this study area agreed upon the inconvenience of the parking issue alongside the subsidiary facilities. There are always parking issues near the coasts of Busan region, and in order to resolve such issues, active assistance from the City of Busan and each local government, and if such methods are well proposed, the conflict between the marine sports participants and local residents shall be resolved, it would play a great role in the development of marine sports.



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