『황제내경(黃帝內經)』의 철학적 배경에 대한 연구 - 전국(戰國) ~ 한(漢) 시대정신(時代精神)을 중심으로 -

A Study on the Philosophical Background of HuangdiNeijing - Focused on the Spirit of the Times from Warring Country to Han -

  • 류정아 (부산대학교 한의학전문대학원 인문사회의학부)
  • Lyu, Jeong-ah (Division of Humanities and Social Medicine, School of Korean Medicine, Pusan National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.01.31
  • 심사 : 2017.02.16
  • 발행 : 2017.02.25


Objectives : The paper aims to study the philosophical background of Huangdineijing by taking into account the fact that its ideas are identical to that of the period between the Warring States and Han. Methods : Through considering the period and the historical backdrop in which Huangdineijing was published, and through considering the book with other texts such as Huangdisijing, the paper draws the common spirit of the time and analyzed the cause and flow of philosophies and ideas that influenced Huangdineijing. Conclusions : 1. Books that upheld Huangdi contained within Hanshu・Yiwenzhi have a common point with the mythical symbol of Huangdi in that they are related to the rule of a nation and the creation of a civilization. Huangdi, who in Huangdineijing bears a need to be understand at this common point of view. 2. The spirit of the period between Warring States and Han can be deduced as "a movement towards unification" and "the development of a civilization infused with spirit of unification." Such spirit of time are reflected in Huangdineijing as Nine Acupuncture(Official Acupuncture) and the establishment of the measuring standards for meridian, bone, and internal organ, and the establishment of the concept of 'Pyungin.' Especially the construction of waterways that connected Huanghe and Yangzijiang river with their tributaries that formed a direct composition of unification was applied to human body in Huangdineijing, thereby establishing the concept of 'Mai'. 3. Unlike Lao Zhuang School of Taoism was not interested in the act of ruling at all, Huangdineijing and its contemporary publication Huangdisijing, present their readers with Number, Law, Rule, Regulation and Governance. Here, the philosophy and the idea which seek "Law" as the methods of ruling the nation by actively participating in the governance of the nation based on the model of natural law and rule appear. Such philosophy and idea is an evidence of the influence of Fajia in accordance with the social and realistic changes witnessed during the time.



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