Online Platform Experience: Enhancing Customer Engagement and Loyalty in the Hospitality Industry

온라인 플랫폼 경험: 호스피탈리티 고객 인게이지먼트 및 로열티 향상 방안

  • 김준형 (부산대학교 관광컨벤션학과)
  • Received : 2017.12.11
  • Accepted : 2017.12.22
  • Published : 2017.12.30


This study aims to develop a conceptual framework linking antecedents and consequences of online platform experience in the context of hospitality businesses. In doing so, an introduction to online platform experience in the hospitality industry was made, and environmental stimuli, that is, enablers of online platform experience were identified: information, entertainment and relation. Additionally, the theoretical review attempted to explain how customers are likely to be engaged in, and to be loyal to, the hospitality organizations' provisions in the context of online platforms. When presenting the theoretical model, a Stimulus-Organism-Response paradigm was employed to propose the hypotheses predicting positive online platform experience, which seems to derive from internally provoked cognition and affection within individuals, leading to behavioral consequences. This model is expected to be applicable to the online context, where hospitality businesses tend to adopt the concept of gamification and to implement associated loyalty programs. Finally, theoretical and practical implications, along with potential avenues of future research, were discussed.



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