Analyzing Energy Reduction Correlations among Factors of Building Energy Retrofit by using BEAT Program

BEAT 프로그램을 이용한 건물에너지 retrofit 요소들 간의 에너지 절감 관계분석

  • Received : 2016.10.12
  • Accepted : 2016.12.30
  • Published : 2017.02.28


Recently, Korean government is successively driving energy saving policies. Nevertheless, the use of energy is continuously increasing, and shift toward a low-energy society is somewhat out of our expectation. The major goal of building energy retrofit is to optimize energy consumption in existing buildings which are under deterioration. Many of these old buildings with lower efficiency spend more energy than newly built ones. Thus, this paper suggests a reasonable guideline for energy retrofit. A government office building located in Kangdonggu, Seoul is selected as the subject building, and a modified bin-method called BEAT(Building Energy Analysis Tool) program is used for the analysis. The primary goal of this research is to find the best combination of influencing factors that can improve energy efficiency in old buildings. Such factors stem from design components of Building, System and also Operational facets of a building. By applying the input standards from 'Green remodeling guidelines', heating energy can be reduced by 38.28% in the winter and 38.50% of cooling energy in the summer. Most of the factors contributed to reducing energy consumption except for SC(Shading Coefficient) and Internal lighting to heating energy. This is due to the blockage of solar heat gain and decrement of internal heat respectively, which results in a higher demand for heating in the winter. Finally, the total energy(HVAC+Lighting+Office equipment) on a yearly basis, can be reduced by 38.89% when all the considering factors are applied in combination. The study will further move to analyze the best solution for building energy retrofit.



Supported by : 한국에너지기술평가원(KETEP)


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