중환자의 중증도에 따른 적정 간호인력 수요 산정

Estimation of Nurse Staffing Based on Nursing Workload with Reference to a Patient Classification System for a Intensive Care Unit

  • 박영선 (충남대학교병원 중환자실) ;
  • 송라윤 (충남대학교 간호대학)
  • Park, Young Sun (Medical Intensive Care Unit, Chungnam National University Hospital) ;
  • Song, Rhayun (College of Nursing, Chungnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2016.10.21
  • 심사 : 2017.02.16
  • 발행 : 2017.02.28


Purpose: This study aimed to estimate the appropriate nurse staffing ratio in intensive care units (ICUs) by measuring nursing workload based on patient's severity and needs, using the Korean Patient Classification System for critical care nurses. Methods: The data were collected from January 18 to February 29, 2016 using a standardized checklist by observation or self-report. During the study period, 723 patients were included to be categorized from I to IV using the patient classification system. Measurement of total nursing workload on a shift was calculated in terms of hours based on the time and motion method by using tools for surveying nursing activities. The nursing activities were categorized as direct nursing care, indirect nursing care, and personal time. Total of 127 cases were included in measuring direct nursing time and 18 nurses participated in measuring indirect and personal time. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results: Two patients were classified into Class I (11.1%), 5 into Class II (27.8%), 9 into Class III (50%), and two into Class IV (11.1%). The amount of direct nursing care required for Class IV (513.7 min) was significantly more than that required for Class I (135.4 min). Direct and indirect nursing care was provided more often during the day shift as compared to the evening or night shifts. These findings provided the rationale for determining the appropriate ratio for nursing staff per shift based on the nursing workload in each shift. Conclusions: An appropriate ratio of nurse staffing should be ensured in ICUs to re-arrange the workload of nurses to help them provide essential direct care for patients.



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