Factors Influencing the Sense of Community for Build Rural Community

농촌 마을만들기 참여주민의 공동체 의식 영향요인

  • Dang, In-Sook (Department of Safety Administration, Yeoncheon County Office) ;
  • Ryu, Jin-A (Department of Social Welfare Studies, Shinhan University)
  • Received : 2017.08.15
  • Accepted : 2017.12.11
  • Published : 2017.12.30


This study aims to examine the sense of community for build rural community. Data were collected from 205 local residents residing in Yeoncheon-gun where the community building project and education were undertaken to analyze the data. Data was analyzed by using analysis of hierarchical regression analysis. Results summarized as follows. First, the most influencing factor on sense of community of the resident' participation in rural community building was continuous participation. Second, the influencing factors of sociodemographic were occupation, income level, and age on entire and sub factors of sense of community partially. Third, participation expansion, the sub factor of community participation influenced on sense of belonging, the feeling of solidarity, and conscious of mutual influence. As a result of taking a look at the effect of resident participation in overall sense of community, continuous participation was shown to influence in entire sense of community.



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