가습기살균제 참사의 진행과 교훈(Q&A)

Questions and Answers about the Humidifier Disinfectant Disaster as of February 2017

  • 최예용 (환경보건시민센터, 가습기살균제참사전국네트워크, 서울대학교 보건대학원 직업환경건강연구실)
  • Choi, Yeyong (Asian Citizen's Center for Environment and Health, Department of Occupational & Environmental Health, School of Public Health, Seoul National University)
  • 투고 : 2016.12.02
  • 심사 : 2017.02.15
  • 발행 : 2017.02.28


'The worstest environment disaster', 'World's first biocide massacre', 'Home-based Sewol ferry disaster' are all phrases attached to the recent humidifier disinfectant disaster. In the spring of 2011, four of 8 pregnant women including 1 adult man passed away at a university hospital in Seoul due to breathing failure. Epidemiologic investigation conducted by the Korean CDC soon revealed the inhalation of humidifier disinfectant, which had been widely used in Korea during the winter, to be responsible for the disease. As well as lung fibrosis hardening of the lungs, other diseases including asthma, rhinitis, skin disease, liver disease, fetal disease or cancers have been researched for their relation with exposure to the products. By February 9, 2017, 5,342 cases had registered for health problems and 1,131 of them were already dead (20.8% mortality rate). Based on studies by government agencies and a telephone survey of the general population by Seoul National University and civic groups, around 20% of the general public of Korea has used these products. Since the market release of the first product by SK Chemical in 1994, over 7.1 million items from around 20 brands were sold up to 2011. Most of the products were manufactured by well-known large conglomerates such as SK, Lotte, Samsung, Shinsegye, LG, and GS, as well as some European companies including UK-based Reckitt Benckiser and TESCO, the German firm Henkel, the Danish firm KeTox, and an Irish company. Even though this disaster was unveiled in 2011 by the Korean government, the issue of the victims was neglected for over five years. In 2016, an unexpected but intensive investigation by prosecutors found that Reckitt Benckiser manipulated and concealed animal tests for its own brand and brought several university experts and company employees to court. The matter was an intense social issue in Korea from May to June with a surge in media coverage. The prosecutor's investigation and a nationwide boycott campaign organized by victims and environmental groups against Reckitt Benckiser, whose product had been used by more than 70% of victims, led to the producer's official apology and a compensation scheme. A legislative investigation organized after the April 2016 national election revealed the producers' faults and the government's responsibility, but failed to meet expectations. A special law for the victims passed the National Assembly in January 2017 and a punitive system together with a massive environmental epidemiology investigation are expected to be the only solutions for this tragedy. Sciences of medicine, toxicology and environmental health have provided decisive evidence so far, but for the remaining problems the perspectives of social sciences such as sociology and jurisprudence are highly necessary, similar to with the Minamata disease and Wonjin Rayon events. It may not be easy to follow this issue using unfamiliar terminology from medical and chemical science and the long, complicated history of the event. For these reasons the author has attempted to write this article in a question and answer format to render it easier to follow. The 17 questions are: Q1 What is humidifier disinfectant? Q2 What kind of health problems are caused by humidifier disinfectant? Q3 How many victims are there? Q4 What is the analysis of the 1,112 cases of death? Q5 What is the problem with the government's diagnostic criteria and the solution? Q6 Who made what brands? Q7 Has there been a recall? What is still on sale? Q8 Was safety not checked by any producers? Q9 What are the government's responsibilities? Q10 Is it true that these products were sold only in Korea? Q11 Why and how was it unveiled only in 2011 after 17 years of sales? Q12 What delayed the resolution of the victim issue? Q13 What is the background of the prosecutor's investigation in early 2016? Q14 Is it possible to report new victim cases without evidence of product purchase? Q15 What is happening with the victim issue? Q16 How does it compare with the cases of Minamata disease and Wonjin Rayon? Q17 Are there prevention measures and lessons?



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  6. Leem JH. Reconsidering of the compensation scheme and relation criteria. Korean health and toxicology Society. Seminar proceedings(November). 2016.
  7. Asian Citizen's center for environment and health. Sharply increased registration of the humidifier disinfectants victims. Survey report 270 (2016-56).
  8. Asian Citizen's center for environment and health. The more of the media coverage on humidifier disinfectants issue, the more related victim registration. Survey report 275 (2017-2)
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  13. Lee H. Press release: Purchase and use of the humidifier disinfectant at 8 general hospitals in Korea. National parliament. 2016.
  14. Law No.14566, for relief of damage by humidifier disinfectant. 2017 Feb 8
  15. Asian Citizen's center for environment and health. Change the criteria. Pess Release 2017 Jan 17
  16. Choi YY. A new approach for the relation criteria. Weekly Kyunghyang 2017 Feb 14
  17. Law No.12949, for relief and compensation litigation of environmental damage. 2016 Jan
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  19. Ministry of Environment. A study of management about household biocide products. (13page) 2005.
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  29. European Chemical Agency. 1998. The Biocidal Products Directive (Directive 98/8/EC)
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  34. Korean Society of Environmental Health. A survey of humidifier disinfectant victim cases. Surey report. 2012
  35. Asian Citizen's center for environment and health. Letter to Ministry of environment: Suggestion to make the health problem of humidifier disinfectant as a environmental disease according to the raw of environment and health. June 25 2012. (official letter)
  36. Ministry of environment. Response to Asian Citizen's center for environment and health about the suggestion. July 11 2012 (official letter).
  37. Choi YY. Lessons of humidifier disinfectant disaster. Korean Society of occupational and environmental medicine. Seminar proceedings(Autumn). 2016.
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  40. Choi YY. Improvement of relation criteria of humidifier disinfectants issue. Seminar proceedings of National Parliament. 2016.
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  42. Choi YY. et al., Health Damages and lessons of the Use of Humidifier Disinfectants in Korea. J. Environ. Health Sci., 2012; 38(2): 166-174.
  43. Department of occupational and environmental health, Seoul National University. Opinion poll on environmental health. 2016 Dec.