Developing Suspended Sediment Delivery Ratio in the Lake Imha Watershed

임하호유역 유사유달공식 개발

  • Jeon, Ji-Hong (Department of Environmental Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Choi, Donghyuk (Department of Environmental Engineering, Andong National University) ;
  • Kim, Jae-Kwon (Environmental Management Corporation) ;
  • Kim, Taedong (Department of Environmental Engineering, Andong National University)
  • Received : 2017.10.12
  • Accepted : 2017.11.27
  • Published : 2017.11.30


The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) is widely used to estimate sediment loads by multiplying soil loss through the Revised Universal Equation (RUSLE). In this study, the SDR equation was developed for the Lake Imha watershed using soil loss calculated by RUSLE and sediment loads by the calibrated Hydrological Simulation. Program Fortran (HSPF). The ratio of watershed relief and channel length ($R_f/L_{ch}$), the ratio of watershed relief and watershed length ($R_f/L_b$), curve number (CN), area (A), and channel slope ($SLP_{ch}$) demonstrated strong correlations with SDR. SDR equations were developed by a combination of subwatershed parameters by referring to the correlation analysis. The area based power functional SDR developed in this study showed significant errors at the point right after entering major tributaries, because SDR was unrealistically reduced when the watershed area increased significantly. The $SLP_{ch}$-based power functional SDR also showed extraordinary values when the channel slope was gradual. The SDR equation that showed the highest value of the coefficient of determination also presented unrealistic changes in the sediment loads within a relatively short river distance. The SDR equation $SDR=0.0003A^{0.198}R_f/L{_w}^{1.167}$ was recommended for application to the Lake Imha watershed. Using this equation, sediment loads at the outlet of the Lake Imha watershed were calculated, and the HSPF parameters related to sediment in the uncalibrated subwatersheds were determined by referring to the sediment loads calculated with the SDR equation.



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