인천광역시 공영주차장 이용실태 분석 기반 주차 회전율 영향요인 연구

A Study on Factors Influencing Turnover of Public Parking Lots in Incheon Metropolitan City

  • 최영훈 (제주도청 교통정책과) ;
  • 김응철 (인천대학교 도시과학대학 건설환경공학부)
  • 투고 : 2017.11.30
  • 심사 : 2017.12.31
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


Although the supply of public parking lots in major cities is steadily increasing, there is still a shortage of parking spaces that take into account the characteristics of actual available parking spaces. These parking problems are caused by conflicts between users, illegal occupation and privatization of roads, interference with traffic roads, and business stagnation in commercial areas and illegal parking problems. In addition, despite various parking demand management policies and continuous supply of public parking facilities, the solution to the parking problem is uneasy due to increased construction costs and changes in social conditions. In order to solve this problem, it was judged that it would be necessary to utilize the existing public parking lots efficiently. Therefore, we collect the variables expected to affect the turnover, and use multiple regression models. The results are summarized as follows. Firstly, public parking lots can be classified into four types using utilization rate and turnover rate. Secondly, influencing factors are found including index of public transportation usage convenience, index of illegal parking, and land use characteristics in central commercial district. Thirdly, it was shown that there was little impact by the size of public parking lots, separation distance to subway distance, separation distance to bus stops, transfer zone, residential zone, and second-rated lots by parking costs. Finally, it is found that public parking lots can be improved by proving accessibility of public transit, enforcement of illegal parking, active approaches supporting public parking lots. It is also recommended that public parking cost rating system based mainly on land use characteristics should be remedied and rearranged.



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