세상에서 가장 얇은 그래핀 발광 소자

The World's Thinnest Graphene Light Source

  • 발행 : 2017.09.30


Graphene has emerged as a promising material for optoelectronic applications including as ultrafast and broadband photodetector, optical modulator, and nonlinear photonic devices. Graphene based devices have shown the feasibility of ultrafast signal processing for required for photonic integrated circuits. However, on-chip monolithic nanoscale light source has remained challenges. Graphene's high current density, thermal stability, low heat capacity and non-equilibrium of electron and lattice temperature properties suggest that graphene as promising thermal light source. Early efforts showed infrared thermal radiation from substrate supported graphene device, with temperature limited due to significant cooling to substrate. The recent demonstration of bright visible light emission from suspended graphene achieve temperature up to ~3000 K and increase efficiency by reducing the heat dissipation and electron scattering. The world's thinnest graphene light source provides a promising path for on-chip light source for optical communication and next-generation display module.



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  24., Guinness World Record; Thinnest light source.