The Antecedents of Entrepreneurial Intention for being E-commerce Trade

전자상거래 무역상 창업의도 결정요인

  • Received : 2017.11.29
  • Accepted : 2017.12.15
  • Published : 2017.12.31


There is a growing interest on entrepreneurship for undergraduate students to enhance their employment ratio because they have big difficulty in getting a job in Korea as well as Vietnam. Currently, on-line business is booming because customers feel convenience in approaching on-line store. Therefore, this study has explored identifying the factors to affect entrepreneurial intention of being e-commerce trader for the undergraduates in Korean universities as well as Vietnam universities. In addition to this, the study has also investigated the difference of the results between Korea and Vietnam. The results of the study are as follows ; First, entrepreneurial knowledge affects positively on entrepreneurial intention for being e-commerce trader. Second, employment barrier also affects positively on entrepreneurial intention for being e-commerce trader. Third, social perception on entrepreneurship mediates the relationship between employment barrier and entrepreneurial intention for being e-commerce trader. Lastly, the level of entrepreneurial intention for vietnam undergraduate students shows higher than that of Korean undergraduate students. Since there was lack of recognition as to the importance for entrepreneurial intention of being e-commerce trader in Korea, Korean government can refer to the results of this survey and implement the related policies to enhance related entrepreneurial intention. This indicates that when it comes to the establishment of new ventures in Korea, entrepreneurial education has been the focus of interest such as making business plan, setting up strategy, marketing the products etc. In this regard, this research is expected to be used for the development for the future policies to boost youth entrepreneurship in Korea.



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