Study on Characteristics of Visual-Perception by Presence of Object in Exhibition Hall

전시공간 홀에서 대상체의 유무에 따른 시지각 특성 연구

  • 최계영 (경남정보대학교 인테리어디자인과)
  • Received : 2017.10.26
  • Accepted : 2017.12.11
  • Published : 2017.12.31


This study has analysed the characteristics of observation by presence of objects in exhibition spaces through eye-tracking. The area with prevailing observation by the change of observation time with visual-perception response to the presence of objects has been analyzed to figure out the mechanism of sensibility estimation which can take place while the visual-perception is being estimated in spaces. Research results are able to ascertain that First, it was very characteristic that the signs right and left were observed more when there were no objects while when there were objects they were observed prevailingly. Second, the characteristics by section when there were any objects showed that there were more high observation scale I (more than 1000ms). When there were any objects with the number of areas where all the participants prevailed commonly, the scale was more, also. Third, in the process of acquiring any visual-perception information in spaces, the element of landmark can be regarded as a control point for space cognition, where the objects (people) became landmark when there were the objects but the signs became landmark when there were no objects. Fourth, the polynomial trend line of the changes to prevailing observation frequency by observation time shows that there was a gradual average value in general when there were any objects and then after the time range[8] the prevailing observation frequency increased. Without any objects, after a particular time range the value sharply dropped along with the increase of observation time because no objects to be observed prevailingly couln't be seen. The gradual average value means that some elements in the space were prevailingly observed all the time.



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