중학생을 위한 제로에너지 주택디자인 STEAM 교육프로그램 개발 연구

A Study on the STEAM Program Development of Zero Energy House Design for Middle School Students

  • 이윤희 (신구대학교 공간디자인과 실내건축전공) ;
  • 이명아 (신구대학교 공간디자인과 건축전공) ;
  • 한혜련 (한성대학교 인테리어디자인전공) ;
  • 이재경 (한성대학교 일반대학원 인테리어디자인전공)
  • 투고 : 2017.09.19
  • 심사 : 2017.11.20
  • 발행 : 2017.12.31


STEAM education is an effective teaching method to develop self-problem-solving skills through creative thinking. In order to revitalize STEAM education, various program models are being developed recently. The purpose of this study is to develop a STEAM education program based on the project-based learing method that includes the process of solving global environmental problems. The STEAM element was extracted by linking the zero energy house design with the middle school curriculum, and the STEAM education program was developed considering career activities. It was analyzed whether the developed program can improve STEAM core competence and job preparation ability. The education program was conducted for middle school students and the program was evaluated through questionnaires. In order to strengthen the STEAM competency, project-based learning method was applied and it was able to enhance the active problem solving ability of learners. In addition, opportunities for career experience could be provided through career exploration programs and various activities. Through this STEAM education program, it is expected to contribute to cultivating human resources with convergence knowledge and core competency.



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