Analysis on the Roles and Occupational Experiences of Social Workers in Child Care Facilities

아동양육시설 생활복지사의 역할 및 직무경험 분석

  • Kim, Gihwa (Graduate School of Education, Inha University) ;
  • Yang, Sungeun (Department of Child Studies, Inha University)
  • Received : 2017.08.23
  • Accepted : 2017.10.06
  • Published : 2017.12.30


This study investigated the occupational experiences of social workers in child care facilities. The participants of the study were six social workers in child care facilities. This qualitative research used a Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method that and classified the main findings into five categories and twelve sub-themes. This study revealed that child care professionals define themselves as "caregivers" and "role models." Positive effects of institutional life on a child were forming peer relationships and being able to use diverse services while negative effects included acquiring a social stigma, having problems in developing attachment between a child and a surrogate caregiver, developing passive attitude and weak will power from communal living. Meanwhile, conflicts with children and poor working conditions led to burnout for caregivers. Our recommendations on the direction of change for the facilities are: categorizing admitted children, supporting restoration of family functions, reinforcing support for children's preparation for an independent life, and developing expertise. This paper provides a better understanding of child care facilities as well as encourages further social discourse on institutionalized children in order to promote policy making and implementation.



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