Exploring Interpersonal Trust Online

  • Ahn, Soo-kyoung (Dept. of Clothing and Textiles/ Research Institute for Human Ecology, Chonnam National University)
  • 투고 : 2017.10.05
  • 심사 : 2017.12.15
  • 발행 : 2017.12.30


This study views the people's propensity to rely on others' evaluations as the interpersonal trust online despite a lack of personal interactions. Therefore, this study explores the underlying dimensions of interpersonal trust and examines how interpersonal trust influences trust in the e-tailer and behavioral intent. Data of 395 adults who had purchased apparel goods online were collected nationwide using an online questionnaire. Exploratory and confirmative factor analysis identified five underlying constructs of interpersonal trust online such as peer identification, ability, integrity, shared lifegoals, and benevolence. A structural equation modeling test was conducted to examine the relationships between interpersonal trust, trust in the e-tailer, and behavioral intent. Interpersonal trust influenced on trust in the e-tailer, specifically on trust in the e-tailer's competence which subsequently increased a customer's behavioral intent such as attitude toward the e-tailer and shopping intention. Although no direct effect of interpersonal trust on the behavioral intent was found, interestingly, the effects of the interpersonal trust on the e-tailer trust which derived the behavioral intent to purchase. This result suggests that marketers devise a more effective system and environment that can encourage the interpersonal trust between customers to build a strong trust in e-tailers. It also provides a theoretical framework of online trust in the way of classifying interpersonal trust and trust in e-tailers.



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