Proactive Personality and Knowledge Sharing: The Contrasting Effects of Leader-Member Exchange Social Comparison (LMXSC)

주도적 성격과 지식 공유: LMXSC의 상반된 조절효과 검증

  • Received : 2017.08.01
  • Accepted : 2017.11.22
  • Published : 2017.12.31


This paper focuses on proactive personality as one of the main personality traits relevant to knowledge sharing and examines how this personal trait influences knowledge sharing behavior. Moreover, in order to consider the interactive effect between proactive personality and a contextual factor, this study utilized the construct of LMXSC which can reveal restoration of resource losses due to knowledge sharing. Because LMXSC can have opposite directions depending on used theories, this study investigates how LMXSC moderates the relationship between proactive personality and knowledge sharing behavior by using conservation of resources theory and trait activation theory. This study tests hypotheses with the data of supervisor-employee dyads in various industries. An empirical results showed that proactive personality increased knowledge sharing behavior and LMXSC strengthened the positive relationship between proactive personality and knowledge sharing behavior as conservation of resources theory predicts. Based on these theoretical arguments and empirical findings, this study suggests theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and the directions of future research.



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