Recently, Fire watching and dangerous substances monitoring system has been being developed to enhance various fire related security. It is generally assumed that fire flame extraction plays a very important role on this monitoring system. In this study, we propose the fire flame extraction method of Non-Residential Facilities based on core object extraction in image. A core object is defined as a comparatively large object at center of the image. First of all, an input image and its decreased resolution image are segmented. Segmented regions are classified as the outer or the inner region. The outer region is adjacent to boundaries of the image and the rest is not. Then core object regions and core background regions are selected from the inner region and the outer region, respectively. Core object regions are the representative regions for the object and are selected by using the information about the region size and location. Each inner region is classified into foreground or background region by comparing its values of a color histogram intersection of the inner region against the core object region and the core background region. Finally, the extracted core object region is determined as fire flame object in the image. Through experiments, we find that to provide a basic measures can respond effectively and quickly to fire in non-residential facilities.