Analysis and Application of Misconception Flowchart for Programming Control Structure Concept Learning

프로그래밍 제어구조 개념 학습을 위한 오개념 순서도 분석 및 적용

  • Choi, Youngmee (Dept. of MediaSoftware, School of Engineering, Sungkyul University)
  • Received : 2017.10.20
  • Accepted : 2017.12.06
  • Published : 2017.12.31


The purpose of this study is to analyze the misconception flowchart of programming control structure and to suggest it as a method for improving computational thinking. In this study, we divide programming control structure concept into sequential, iteration, selection, and function, analyze what concept and principle are difficult for each learner, and what kind of misconception flowchart is drawn in the Introduction of C Programming course for beginners' programming learning. As an example, we show that a lesson learned from the process of correcting the misconception flowchart to the correct flowchart in the course.



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