A longitudinal study of phonological development in Korean late-talkers

말늦은 아동의 말소리 발달 종단 연구

  • Received : 2017.11.01
  • Accepted : 2017.12.12
  • Published : 2017.12.31


This study attempts to determine the extent to which late talkers are at the risk of delayed phonological development, in order to identify groups at risk and to find factors affecting delayed phonological development. A group of 1,452 children (51% boys, 49% girls) were recruited from the nationwide Panel Study on Korean Children. The current study collected data from 418 children who were previously identified as late-talkers (LT) at their age of three on average (Time 1: expressive vocabulary test) and three years later (Time 2: phonological test). Their phonological outcomes of the Time 2 were analyzed and then compared to those of a group of 1,056 children with typical language development (NLT: no late-talkers) at the age of three in terms of the number of incorrect consonants, and the speech sound disorders rating scores. LT showed a lower articulation score than NLT, and boys showed a lower score than girls. These findings indicate that the late onset of speech and the gender of young children could be potential risk factors of speech sound disorders.



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