A comparison of acoustic & electroglottographic measures according to voiced lip trill methods

입술 트릴의 방법에 따른 음향학적 및 전기성문파형검사 측정치 비교

  • 이승진 (강남세브란스병원 이비인후과 후두음성언어의학연구소) ;
  • 이광용 (동국대학교 예술대학 연극학부) ;
  • 임재열 (연세대학교 의과대학 이비인후과학교실 및 후두음성언어의학연구소) ;
  • 최홍식 (연세대학교 의과대학)
  • Received : 2017.11.01
  • Accepted : 2017.12.01
  • Published : 2017.12.31


The purpose of the current study was to compare selected acoustic and electroglottographic measures (closed quotient, pitch, and loudness) among vowel phonation, traditional voiced lip trill ($VLT_T$), modified voiced lip trill methods ($VLT_M$). A total of 21 participants without voice complaints produced 4-second long samples using each phonation method. Results indicated that mean closed quotient of $VLT_M$ was higher than that of vowel phonation and $VLT_T$, while its range and standard deviation measures were higher than those of vowel phonation. Mean, range, standard deviation, maximum of pitch measures of $VLT_M$ were higher than those of vowel phonation. Lastly, mean and maximum loudness of the $VLT_M$ were higher than $VLT_T$. In conclusion, the current data indicate the possibility to use the $VLT_M$ as a training method for singing or a strategy to facilitate generalization effect of voice therapy. Current results also reflect the necessity for further study pertaining to the long-term effect of the $VLT_M$ training method. Clinical implications are discussed.



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