The Effects of Visual Feedback Self Exercise on Postural Control in Stroke Patients

  • Received : 2017.08.16
  • Accepted : 2017.11.01
  • Published : 2017.11.30


PURPOSE: The purpose of this research was to know the effect of visual feedback self exercise (VFSE) on postural control in stroke patients. METHODS: 26 CVA patients were participated. The experimental group (EG) 12 (46.2%) and the control group (CG) 14 (53.8%), 17 males and 9 females. The subjects preformed VFSE on training instrument 10 minutes for 20 times in 2-3 weeks. The test was done 3 times. RESULTS: There were no statistically significant differences of the general characteristics of subjects between EG and CG by sex, affected site, muscle tone, sensory deficit, unilateral neglects, and vestibular dysfunction. The postural control effects of VFSE, in the EG showed that there were statistically significant differences among the tests during VFSE. However in the CG there were no statistically significant differences among the tests during VFSE. Also there was statistically significant difference between EG and CG after VFSE (p<.05). On the right hemiplegic EG showed that there was statistically significant difference between premid test and pre-post test after VFSE. But, the left hemiplegic EG showed that there was no statistically significant difference between before and after VFSE with all of tests. CONCLUSION: CVA patients had significant different of body weight ratio between hemiplegic side and the other side. This research suggested that CVA patients need self exercise with visual feedback for the improvement postural control ability. Therefore Physical therapist should not only prescribe hand-on exercise but also need to teach them self sensory feedback exercise to help them improve their postural control.



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