방향성 프로파일을 적용한 능동형태 모델

Active Shape Model with Directional Profile

  • 투고 : 2017.09.16
  • 심사 : 2017.11.01
  • 발행 : 2017.11.30


Active shape model is widely used in the field of image processing especially on arbitrary meaningful shape extraction from single gray level image. Cootes et. al. showed efficient detection of variable shape from image by using covariance and mean shape from learning. There are two stages of learning and testing. Hahn applied enhanced shape alignment method rather than using Cootes's rotation and scale scheme. Hahn did not modified the profile itself. In this paper, the method using directional one dimensional profile is proposed to enhance Cootes's one dimensional profile and the shape alignment algorithm of Hahn is combined. The performance of the proposed method was superior to Cootes's and Hahn's. Average landmark estimation error for each image was 27.72 pixels and 39.46 for Cootes's and 33.73 for Hahn's each.



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