투명교정장치의 임상적 한계와 그 해결

Clinical limitations and its solutions of the clear overlay appliance treatment

  • 투고 : 2016.06.13
  • 심사 : 2016.06.17
  • 발행 : 2016.07.01


A clear overlay appliance is a type of a removable appliance made from transparent thermoplastic plastic film that covers the entire dentition to move the teeth. It is one of the most favored orthodontic methods opted for by adult patients; this treatment is esthetic, does not cause discomfort and allows oral hygiene to be easily managed when compared to other conventional fixed treatment methods. However, the use of clear overlay appliances, such as invisalign or clear aligner, is associated with various clinical challenges. In particular, the appliances require longer treatment periods compared to fixed treatment, and due to the structural characteristics of the appliances, it is difficult to make proper posterior occlusion and certain type of tooth movement, including extrusion, rotation and tip. Thus, the clear overlay appliances are regarded as supplementary appliances by most orthodontists and have been used for simple orthodontic treatments, such as partial anterior alignments or orthodontic relapse cases. Owing to the remarkable advancement in the field of 3D digital technology over a period of 15 years, the accuracy and convenience of modern clear overlay appliances have continuously improved. Moreover, orthodontic outcomes have also been greatly improved by the introduction of new materials and successful application of various biomechanical methods from conventional orthodontic treatments in the design of clear overlay appliances. This study investigates the clinical limitations that should be considered during the application of clear overlay appliances and also examines the efforts and methods used to overcome these challenges.



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