Opportunities for Joint Cooperation in R&D for FEALAC Countries: On Nanotechnology and Biotechnology

  • 발행 : 2016.10.31


The general purpose of this paper is to identify opportunities for and to measure existing collaboration on research and development between institutions from the countries of Asia and Latin America in FEALAC's framework, in the fields of biotechnology and nanotechnology and their convergence. The methodological approach includes scientific and technological surveillance and research seeking to identify both the R&D and innovation capacities of the countries as well as the degree of international cooperation between countries of the two regions; case studies and a study of the governance framework of international collaboration in R&D about issues considered global challenges. The study has three main findings. First, nanotechnology, biotechnology and their convergence contribute to solving the problem of contamination by heavy metals affecting most of the countries that are part of FEALAC and to address problems arising from the accelerated rate of energy consumption, which also contributes to environmental damage. In this scenario, important business opportunities arise from the adaptation and development of bio-refinery technologies. Second, the scientific relationship between FEALAC countries, mainly between Asian and Latin American countries, is weak as can be seen in research for articles and patents. But there is plenty of room and potential for improvement. Third, current and upcoming joint R&D programs and projects should be linked both to existing governance structures and to new ones that serve as experiments of STI public policy regarding innovative management of intellectual property and capacity building. Practical implications are included in lessons learned and a set of recommendations involving a couple of proposals. One proposal calls for research and innovation in promising fields for international cooperation. Another proposal creates mechanisms in the governance framework for sharing knowledge, capacity building, and funding.



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