A Review of the Opinion Target Extraction using Sequence Labeling Algorithms based on Features Combinations

  • Received : 2016.05.09
  • Accepted : 2016.06.17
  • Published : 2016.10.31


In recent years, the opinion analysis is one of the key research fronts of any domain. Opinion target extraction is an essential process of opinion analysis. Target is usually referred to noun or noun phrase in an entity which is deliberated by the opinion holder. Extraction of opinion target facilitates the opinion analysis more precisely and in addition helps to identify the opinion polarity i.e. users can perceive opinion in detail of a target including all its features. One of the most commonly employed algorithms is a sequence labeling algorithm also called Conditional Random Fields. In present article, recent opinion target extraction approaches are reviewed based on sequence labeling algorithm and it features combinations by analyzing and comparing these approaches. The good selection of features combinations will in some way give a good or better accuracy result. Features combinations are an essential process that can be used to identify and remove unneeded, irrelevant and redundant attributes from data that do not contribute to the accuracy of a predictive model or may in fact decrease the accuracy of the model. Hence, in general this review eventually leads to the contribution for the opinion analysis approach and assist researcher for the opinion target extraction in particular.



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