The Effect of the Digital Design Environment on Creative Design Thinking and Cognitive Processes - Focused on AutoCAD and SketchUp -

디지털 환경이 창의적인 디자인 사고와 인지과정에 미치는 영향 - AutoCAD와 SketchUp 사용을 중심으로 -

  • Received : 2016.06.25
  • Accepted : 2016.09.26
  • Published : 2016.09.30


This research adopted the assumption that the characteristics of digital tools differ from those of conventional tools and that these two tools affect creativity differently in the design processes. An empirical study was carried out to grasp the effect of the use of sketching and digital tools on students' creative behaviors and to ascertain any differences in behaviors. A coding scheme was developed to measure students' creative design thinking processes and spatial cognitive behaviors. Female senior students studying interior design at universities in Seoul participated in the study. They had all completed a basic modelling and sketching course. It was found that participants used digital tools as much as they did sketching in the early design process. The participants then used the digital tools to expand the visual notes that they developed during sketching while either reflecting on the design guidelines or thinking about the design. Further, duplex tool changeovers occurred naturally throughout the design process and allowed participants to find an appropriate solution and improved their creative thinking in the design processes. This research showed that interactions between sketching and digital tools have new potential in design processes and that each tool has different effects on students' design thinking and cognitive processes. Design education programmes and study guidelines should be developed to encourage students to creatively use design tools in the design process.



Supported by : 한국연구재단


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